A great opportunity

The Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment has proposed a further call for Online Retail Scheme applications. This new wave of support has a total funding pool of €3.4 million.

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Online Retail Scheme

Who can apply for the grant?

To apply for the Online Retail Scheme, you must be an Irish-owned retail enterprise meeting the following criteria:

  • Have an existing online presence (e.g. website or social media)
  • Have a physical retail store and derive the majority of company revenue from retailing products directly to individual consumers:
  • Where a company provides both products and services, the applicant must provide a breakdown of sales revenue showing that products account for more than 50% of total revenue for a recent trading period, which may be up to the call close date
  • Where a company has a mixture of business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) operations, the applicant must provide a breakdown of sales revenue showing that sales from B2C activities account for more than 50% of total revenue for a recent trading period, which may be up to the call close date
  • Employ at least 10 employees in the Republic of Ireland on a full-time equivalent basis in the latest accounting period or has grown to this level since that date (up to the date of current call open of 4th April 2023)
  • Successful applicants from previous years are eligible to re-apply under this scheme if they satisfy the following conditions: have been awarded Online Retail Scheme grant before once only (second time applicants), completed the project funded and proposed a clearly different project to that undertaken under a previous approval.


About The Application - A limited time opportunity

Applications for funding are invited through a public call for submission of projects.

Eligible expenditure and limits

The grant is calculated at a maximum of 50% of eligible expenditure of up to €50,000. The maximum grant available is up to €25,000.

The minimum project expenditure is €20,000. Applications with expenditure below €20,000 will be considered ineligible.

For full details please visit Enterprise Ireland website.

What kinds of services do we provide for the Online Retail Scheme grant?

The main objective of the Online Retail Scheme is to help retailers to increase in their customer base and build a more resilient business in the domestic and global marketplace both online and offline. 

We aim to help businesses submit applications and successfully implement their projects across the following aspects available with the scheme. 

  • Ecommerce strategy development
  • Internationalisation strategy development
  • Custom user experience and design ( Website development and upgrades) 
  • EPoS Integrations
  • Ecommerce growth planning/strategy through increased customer acquisition and customer retention


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